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Shell Eco Marathon Asia (Bumi Siliwangi 1 Team)

One form of Tekiro dedication to the next generation of the nation is to provide support to the son and daughter of the nation who excel. Through the Automotive Technology Student Community, University of Indonesia Education (KOMPETITIF UPI), Tekiro participates in providing support for Bumi Siliwangi Team which is in COMPETITIF UPI’s nest in participating in the international prestigious event SHELL ECO MARATHON ASIA 2017 which was held in Singapore on March 16th-19th, 2017.

Shell Eco Marathon Asia is Asia’s most energy-efficient car design competition sponsored by Shell Global.

Bumi Siliwangi Team has been following various prestigious events both in Indonesia and the world. Some of the achievements of the proud Bumi Siliwangi Team are:

  1. 1st Winner of Urban Electric Category, Driver’s World Championship 2016 – London, UK (from 32 Countries on 3 Continents)
  2. Runner-up of Urban Concept Battery Electric, Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2016 – Manila, Filipina
  3. 1st Winner of Urban Electric Category, Energy Efficient Cars Contest 2016 – Yogyakarta
  4. 1st Winner of Protitype Electric Category, Energy Saving Contest 2015 – Malang